
Eye Care

Original price was: $75.00.Current price is: $55.00.


Eye Care

The Eye Care energy system works to heal both your physical sight and spiritual sight. This system works hand in hand with medical treatment in order to address spiritual, emotional, and physical symptoms related to vision and eye health. 

The “Care” series of attunements created by this founder call in a spiritual specialist team to assist you with healing. “Care” stands for “Calling all
Responsive Eternals.” This means that Eternal Beings of Love, Light and Life
are the only beings who may arrive to administer these energies to you.

The Eye Care Energy System includes seven individual attunements that you will receive to help with spirital and physical sight:

Eye Health Enhancement: Energy function that increases physical eye health.

My Sight Restoration: Restores and increases spiritual sight. As your inner and spiritual sight is restored you’ll understand and “see” things
clearly that were previously beyond your mental grasp. 

Visual Distortion Flush: Assists with clearing away visual perceptual distortions. When we have spiritual upgrades that increase clairvoyant abilities, some experience a sudden physical eyesight difficulty such as blurry vision or other distortions. This can be temporary while you are adjusting to the new upgrade, but can frequently repeat during future energetic upgrades. This energy helps to improve and stabilize your vision during these upgrades.

Vision Enhancement: Assists with improving physical vision in this reality. It is well received by both the eyes and neurological system for healing.

Hydrostatic Eye Pressure Adjustment: Assists to adjust the internal
pressure within your eyes. There are various eye conditions that can
adversely affect the natural pressure within the eyes and this attunement can help with balancing the pressure throughout the day. 

Physical Vision Preservation: Assists to keep your physical vision from declining.

The Infection Inhibitor Field: Inhibits the replication of  harmful
bacteria or viruses which cause infection. This helps slow down the spread of
infection so that your eyes can heal faster!


Founder: Mariah Windsong Couture

You will receive:


  • 7 Distant Attunements
  • The ability to pass these attunements on to others!
  • Original pdf manual
  • Certificate if requested
  • Two free gift attunements – the Pre-Attunement Flush and Post-Attunement Flush to assist with clearing before and after the primary attunements.
  • Ongoing email support


The attunements will be sent via the distance method one to three days after receipt of payment. You will be able to call in the attunement at a time that you find convenient. If you prefer to receive the attunement at a designated time, then please email me to schedule.

The manual and accompanying course information will be provided to you by email once the attunement has been sent. 



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